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Living Life Juicy Podcast

Sep 24, 2019

We heard from Mike Brennan, Creator and Communicator last episode. Now it's his turn to ask John some questions. Check out Mike’s art at

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Sep 17, 2019

Mike Brennan creates something every day. He’s done this for the past 7 ½ years. In this episode, Mike and John explore the power of habit, the Starbuck’s cup and the importance of starting poorly. Mike also shares his thoughts on how churches can help creative people feel at home and what churches may be missing...

Sep 10, 2019

The quality of their questions says a lot about a person. Allen Hilton, from The House United Movement, asks three great questions.

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Sep 3, 2019

In this conversation, John and Allen Hilton, of A House United Movement, talk about how our country became so divided and what we can do about it. If you're frustrated about where we seem to be headed as a culture this conversation will give you hope.
Learn more about the House United Movement...